George V Small Silver Goblet for Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound. This goblet was presented to Stoker F. Nee by Admiral Pound.
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alfred Dudley Pickman Rogers, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., Royal Navy (1877 – 1943). In 1890 Admiral Pound placed first out of fifty-seven successful candidates in examinations for cadetships in the Royal Navy. In 1915 he was appointed Captain of the battleship HMS Colussus and commanded her during the Battle of Jutland. In 1925 he was appointed as a Naval Aide-de-Camp for King George V. He attained the rank of Rear -Admiral in 1926, Vice - Admiral in 1930 and Admiral in 1935. In 1939 he was made Admiral of the Fleet and in 1941 First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to King George VI.
Rubbed hallmarks for London 1930 by Charles Boyton & Son Ltd.
In excellent condition with moderate surface wear commensurate with age.
Approximate weight is 48 grams or 1.5 troy ounces.
Approximate dimensions are 11.5 cm height and 5 cm top rim diameter.