Only suitable for sale within the UK, due to the ivory content in the handle heat spacers. This item has been registered for exemption under the new Ivory Act and is legal to sell. We are happy for the registration number (BSKSBWHY) to be checked with the Animal & Plant Health Agency.
A William IV silver coffee pot with floral knop on a pedestal base, with leaf capped spout. Features an armorial to both sides.
The armorial commemorates the marriage of The Reverend Richard Ridley (1782 - 1845), of Green Hammerton Hall (demolished 1952), Green Hammerton, North Yorkshire and Katherine Lucy Joohnson (1781 - 1853). Katherine's father was a Justice of Peace and in that capacity read the Riot Act at Peterloo, Manchester on 16th August 1819. When protestors failed to disperse he authorised the mounted Yeomanry to charge into the crowd. This event became known as the Peterloo Massacre. The heraldry report accompanies this item.
Hallmarked to the main body for Sheffield 1835 by Hawksworth & Eyre.